Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Pros and Cons of Censorship Controlling Media...

Censorship, or what I like to call â€Å"controlled media†, is the control of ideas and content in our world. For as long as people have discovered that human beings have free will, there has been a way to regulate, govern and block the expression of its uses. There are many types of censorship when it comes to military, religion, political, public media or for just morale reasons. There have naturally been debates on whether censorship has truly been a restraint of expression, imposed to protect people from themselves and to others, or just, for the most part, futile in this day and age. I believe these are all valid reasons for why censorship has its pros and cons, but nonetheless is rather pointless. Censorship is valuable when it comes to†¦show more content†¦Censorship can individuality and essentially it just puts humanity in our place. People should realize that without the free flow of ideas and thought; we oversight the beneficial ideas. You can’t be c reative if you have to be worried about censoring yourself before an authority does it for you. Censorship in books, music, and plays just compromises their entertainment values. The government should not be able to control people; it should be the other way around. Its our first amendment right to have freedom of speech, as censorship is non-constitutional. Censorship has it’s morally good uses, but is regularly abused. You can argue that censorship has no place in a democratic society since its mostly associated with dictatorship, can cause public ignorance, and an abuse of human rights. People have the right know about anything and everything that is going on in the place they reside in. Parents should be held responsible as to how their kids react to adult content air go if kids are brought up right they should know when to change the channel, avoid certain websites, and not copying anything they see. Like anything, censorship has its pros and cons, but one thing I agree on more than those are it being utterly pointless. You can even say censorship virtually does nothing. You hear a word bleeped out and your child is still going to know what they said. You run a certain story and leave out critical information andShow MoreRelatedCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagestruth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to the constitution (Linder). Recently the issue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. 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